Planescape Torment - La Guida per giocarlo in Widescreen

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Iscritto il: 15/02/2009, 2:59
Località: Roma

Planescape Torment - La Guida per giocarlo in Widescreen

Messaggio da New_Neo »

Come promesso eccovi la guida per giocare "Planescape Torment" in Widescreen ed in alta risoluzione:

Vi proponiamo due guide tratte dalla versione DVD che avete trovato in Allegato allo Speciale sui "Labirinti" di GMC, l'altra tratta da, piattaforma che permette di acquistare il gioco a €9.99.

Per prima cosa dovete procurarvi la patch che traduce in italiano il gioco. Potete scricarla andando su --> <---

Scaricatevi la patch 1.1 se non avete la versione DVD del gioco andando su --> ... -111-patch <---

Istruzioni per giocare in Widescreen ed in alta risoluzione:

Installate il gioco seguendo le indicazioni dell'autorun o cliccando sul file setup.exe presente nella root del DVD.
ATTENZIONE: gli utenti WINDOWS VISTA e WINDOWS 7 devono evitare d'installare il gioco nella cartella C:\Program Files, dato che questa posizione potrebbe essere protetta dal sistema, creando problemi all'installazione di patch e mod. Consigliamo d'installare il gioco in una cartella diversa, per esempio C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment (utilizzeremo questa cartella in tutta questa guida). Per farlo basta selezionare "custom" durante il processo d'installazione e specificare la cartella.

- NOTA: NON è necessario installare la patch per aggioranre Planescape: Torment alla versione 1.1.

Aprite la cartella 00_mod_patch\PatchItaliano sul DVD e cliccate sul file TormentITP.rar per aprire una finestra di dialogo. Cliccate sul file TormentITP per installare la patch per la lingua italiana. Specificate, cliccando su SFOGLIA, la cartella in cui è presente il file eseguibile torment.exe (se avete seguito i consigli di cui sopra, sarà C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment).

ATTENZIONE: per installare questa patch avete bisogno di Winrar (file wrar393it), che trovate su questo stesso DVD nella cartella 00_mod_patch.


NOTA IMPORTANTE: se durante uno dei check dovesse partire la procedura d'installazione, cliccando sull'icona presente sul desktop, fate partire il gioco cliccando sul file torment.exe presente nella cartella C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment.

NOTA Per gli utenti Windows 7: il gioco potrebbe avere dei problemi dopo la chiusura o segnalare dei messaggi di installazione non corretta. Non vi preoccupate, ignorateli.

Create la cartella C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\cdall. Al suo interno, copiate tutti i file presenti nelle cartelle CD2, CD3, CD4, che trovate nella cartella C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment (una volta fatto, potete cancellare tutte le tre cartelle CD). Alcuni file saranno doppi, in quanto presenti su più CD. Per verificare che tutto sia stato eseguito correttamente, dovrete trovare nella cartela cdall 188 file.

Aprite con il notepad il file Torment.ini che trovate nella cartella C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment.
Nella parte iniziale, dovreste trovare un testo come quello che segue (ma potrebbe essere diverso se avete utilizzanto una cartella d'installazione diversa):

HD0:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\
CD1:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\CD1\
CD2:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\CD2\
CD3:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\CD3\
CD4:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\CD4\
CD5:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\CD5\

La prima riga indica dove avete installato il file eseguibile del gioco, le altre dove si trovano i file presenti nei vari CD (nel nostro caso sono tutti presenti su un unico DVD, non vi preoccupate). Dovete far capire al sistema che ora avete spostato tutti questi file nella cartella cdall. Per farlo, correggete le righe precedenti con quelle che seguono:

HD0:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\
CD1:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\cdall\
CD2:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\cdall\
CD3:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\cdall\
CD4:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\cdall\
CD5:=C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment\cdall\

Trovate questa riga:


e modificatela in:


Inoltre, trovate queste righe:

[Program Options]
Path Search Nodes=4000
Maximum Frame Rate=30

e modificatele in:

Path Search Nodes=32000
Maximum Frame Rate=40

Salvate e chiudete.

NOTA: i possessori di sistemi operativi WINDOWS VISTA e WINDOWS 7 chiudano e riaprano il file Torment.ini per verificare che sia stato correttamente modificato.


- Esplorate il DVD (tasto destro del mouse sull'icona del lettore, quindi ESPLORA, o APRI per WINDOWS 7) e aprite la cartella Path\widescreen.
- Al suo interno, lanciate il file widescreen-v2.31.exe. Questo mod vi permetterà di giocare a Planescape: Torment usando la risoluzione del vostro schermo LCD.
- Selezionate la cartella nella quale è presente il file eseguibile del gioco (nel nostro caso C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment) e lanciate l'installazione.
- Nella finestra di MS-DOS, digitate "0" per la lingua e "1" per avviare l'installazione del mod. Vi verrà chiesta la risoluzione alla quale desiderate giocare (per esempio: X=1440 px; Y=900 px). Inserite e confermate.
- Aspettate che il processo si completi, quindi chiudete la finesta di dialogo.

NOTA: per disistallare il mod basta ripetere il processo d'installazione e seguire le istruzioni.


- Esplorate il DVD (tasto destro del mouse sull'icona del lettore, quindi ESPLORA, o APRI per WINDOWS 7) e aprite la cartella Path\widescreen_ui.
- Copiate tutti i file in essa contenuti nella cartella in cui è presente l'eseguibile del gioco (nel nostro caso C:\giochi\Planescape - Torment\Torment).
- Cliccate sul file Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe.
- Nella finestra di MS-DOS selezionate "I" per installare il mod. Aspettate che il processo copi tutti i file (richiede un certo tempo).
- A un certo punto vi verrà chiesto di quanto volete aumentare la dimensione dei font. Consigliamo l'80% (opzione "3").
- Attendete che il processo si completi e chiudete.



Ora vi lasciamo all'altra guida (in inglese) presa da

"Mod spotlight: Planescape: Torment mods guide

Most of users already know that Planescape: Torment is one of the best games ever created. What's even cooler about it, fans of the game made it even better with lots of mods and enhancements, but it's pretty difficult to figure out what modifications and in which order they should be installed. Thanks to Johnny Walker aka ThunderPeel2001, who originally posted this article on his blog, we're able to present you a detailed description of the fastest and easiest way to get the best of Planescape: Torment.

STEP 1: Install Bigg's Widescreen mod

IMPORTANT NOTEInstalling this mod will invalidate your existing savegames, so be prepared to start over once it has been installed! If you're in the middle of a game, and don't want to lose your progress, you should stop now (come back when you're ready to play a new game!).

What it does:This awesome patch allows you to play Planescape: Torment at a higher resolution, making the game look a whole lot better, especially on flatscreen monitors.

How to install:Download Bigg's Widescreen mod (it doesn't matter whether you actually have a widescreen monitor or not). If you want to learn more about the mod, or if the previous link is broken, please check the official site.Double-click on widescreen-v2.60.exe (it doesn't matter where it is) and Browse to the directory on your computer where Planescape: Torment is installed (this is the directory where torment.exe lives, default by GOG it's: C:/Program Files/ Click "Install" once you've done this.When the new window opens, choose to install "Component [Widescreen Mod]" -- even if your monitor is not widescreen -- by typing "I" and pressing ENTER.When asked for your X-coordinates enter the number of pixels wide you'd like the resolution to be. When asked for your Y-coordinates enter the number of pixels high you'd like the resolution to be.If you have an LCD monitor, then you'll probably want to run the game at your monitor's highest resolution to achieve the maximum sharpness of graphics.Here's a list of common resolutions for those who feel unsure of what to type. You can keep experimenting until you find one that looks best for you.
- CRT monitors (X/Y): 800/600, 1024/768, 1280/960, 1280/1024
- Widescreen monitors (X/Y): 1280/800, 1440/900, 1680/1050, 1920/1200Once you're happy with your selection, type 'Y' to install.Note: You MUST follow the next step in order to fix the graphics at this new higher resolution!

STEP 2: Install Ghostdog's incredible UI mod

What it does:Unfortunately, increasing the resolution of the game will knock many special graphical effects out of place, put videos in the top left corner of your screen, make the menu screens look really ugly, and possibly even make the text really hard to read. Luckily this mod fixes ALL the above problems... It's really quite amazing!

How to install:This mod is a little trickier to install, but it's worth it, and all of the mods in the later steps are installed in the same way...Download Ghostdog's mod.When you've downloaded it, open it up (just double-click on the file). Now extract the entire archive directly into the game directory (this is the directory where torment.exe is - default by GOG it's C:/Program Files/ you've done this, double-click on the setup file 'Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe' from within the game's directory.In the window that opens you will then get five options:
- Install the mod with the default fonts
- Install the mod with 20% bigger fonts
- Install the mod with 40% bigger fonts
- Install the mod with 80% bigger fonts
- Install the mod with 120% bigger fontsIt's a pretty hard thing to gauge from just looking at the numbers, but luckily Ghostdog has also provided a screenshot to help you decide. Take a look at the preview to see what size is easiest to read on your monitor.To pick an option, just type a number associated with it and press 'ENTER'.Note: If you're running Windows 7 and AVG anti-virus and you get a "permission denied" error, you may need to disable AVG's "Resident Shield" before this mod will install successfully.Note: Don't worry! As with all of the mods below, you can always run the setup file again in order to change your options. So if you don't like the font size you picked, simply run the Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe again and pick a different option!

QUICK CHECK!Before moving on, try running Planescape: Torment and ensuring that it loads correctly. If it doesn't, then you need to redo the steps above before applying the patches below

STEP 3: Install the Ultimate Fixpack

What it does:Fixes hundreds of bugs left in the game. You definitely want this installed before playing the game.

How to install:As with the previous mod, download the Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack (click the "Download File" button) and extract the entire archive to the game directory (this is the directory where torment.exe resides - default by GOG it's: C:/Program Files/ double click on the set-up file 'Setup-PST-Fix.exe' from within the game directory.In the window that opens, enter your language number (for example, enter "0" for English) and press ENTER. Then choose "N" (you can view the readme later if you want).You'll then get the option to install the following items:
- Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack, by Qwinn
- Dialogue Spelling/Grammar Corrections (English Only)
- Subtitled CutscenesYou should choose to install all three of these items, one-by-one. To do this, just type "I" and press ENTER for each one.Explanation of the things you've just installed options:
- The Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack is, as you'd expect, a ton of bug fixes for the game. You definitely want this.
- The second option, Dialogue Spelling/Grammar Corrections, again corrects mistakes in the game's text (some serious, some not so serious, but all recommended).
- The final option, Subtitled Cutscenes, is also recommended as there's some very important stuff said during the cutscenes -- that you don't want to miss!
- You can now play a bug fixed, generally improved, version of Planescape: Torment, but why stop there when there's so much other great stuff to add...

STEP 4: Install Unfinished Business

What it does:The Unfinished Business patch adds many missions back into the game that the designer's didn't have time to finish. These are missions that should be in the game, but time and money constraints meant they were left out, despite being close to completion.

How to install:Download Qwinn's Unfinished Business patch (click on the "Download File" link).Extract all files to the game directory (where torment.exe lives) and double-click on 'Setup-PST-UB.exe'.You will then be asked, as before, which items you want to install. All recommendations in this guide assume you're a new player to Planescape: Torment.The first two SHOULD be installed:
- All Recommended PS:T Unfinished Business Components
- Expanded Deionarra's Truth ModDo NOT install the following:
- Restored Cheat Items

STEP 5: Install Tweaks Pack

What it does:This patch tweaks and re-balances elements of the game. These are things that make the game more enjoyable to play, and have been requested by players since it was released.

How to install:Download Qwinn's PS:T Tweak Pack (click on the "Download File" link).Same as before, extract all files to the game directory. Then run 'Setup-PST-Tweak.exe'.As a new player you SHOULD install the following:
- Banter Accelerator (30 mins)
- Add Quickload (adds Quickloading to F9 or F10 - not totally necessary, but you might as well)
- BG2-Style THAC0 Display (makes your stats slightly easier to understand)
- Stackable Rings, Charms, Bracelets, Scrolls
- Explore City AreasDo NOT install:
- Scale of SoulsYou SHOULD install:
- Save Nordom! TweakDo NOT install:
- Disabled Stat MinimumsYou SHOULD install:
- Maximized HP Per Level for TNO and Party
- Maximized Friends Spell
- These are very minor changes. I recommend NOT installing them, but it's up to you:
- No Battle Music
- Use Floating Text Font GloballyDo NOT install:
- Identify All Items
- Early Glabrezus Tweak
- Power Action Leprechaun Annah, by Black Isle
- Easter Egg Morte, by Black Isle
- Rest Anywhere
- Tome Of CheatsNote: You can change your mind and add/remove any of these items later by running 'Setup-PST-Tweak.exe' again.And that's it. Now you can play and enjoy the best version of Planescape: Torment there is!
Matrix è una prigione che non ha sbarre che non ha mura che non ha odore. Una prigione per la tua mente!

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